is this just a simulation, a hologram?
Mindfulness Awakening A Beautiful State

A Journey to Mindful Awakening
This space is dedicated to your inner and outer journey—a path toward mindfulness, peace, and true fulfillment. Break free from unnecessary suffering and learn to fully embrace your time on this earth.
Choose to Be in a Beautiful State
Have you ever considered that fear is just a convenient choice? What if there was another way?
It’s not your fault—these ideas were programmed into you. Now, it’s time to rewrite the script.

You Are What You Say
You’ve heard people say, you are what you eat.
But I’ll take it further—you are what you say.
The words you use create the reality you live in. If you constantly talk about what’s impossible, if you always speak about disease, if your language is full of limitations—how could your life be anything but limited?
But if you start choosing your words carefully… if you start speaking in terms of what’s possible…
Your reality will start to change.
And that’s not magic. That’s just how it works.
Rescript the Past
Let the past go, it is dead, burry it, no more self sabotage. Yes your must take responsibility! It is your life, your choice. Happy or Sad? only you choose…
The date early 2013 on my first voyage to India to Oneness University for what would end up being a 6 week stay. Can I say I really had no idea what I was getting into.
3 weeks and the only meat I had was tuna fish packets found at the items left behind from other students campus store and one for sharing a phone call to the US from another student.
India was difficult at times worse. I went 3 times that year. It was a new world that was always there.
This is one of many journeys and happenings in my life. I would just like to help you find your way as maybe I have been there already.
and for now be well -a-
UR File Storage
in the subconscious
The Mind Voice Conscious
The Creator Subconscious
Inner World - Outer World (story space)
soon the recording magic eraser process
Lets take a quantum jump and use the magic eraser
Lets just erase it

What We Offer is a Path – You Answer
With a diverse number of teachers and syles of explaing a message that is very clear. Live in a beautiful state and if not why?

Meditation Training
Pre Recorded Meditations
Letting Go Sesions
Quantum Jumping
Live Meditations and Satsung (Zoom)

Zoom Meetings
On Line Live and Recorded
Letting Go
Meditation Chakra Dyana
Neville Goddart Teachings Breakdowns

Net working
Meet Like minded

Reprograming methods
Join in Process
Special Guests
Calm Sessions

Training Courses
Discover the path you are comfortable with an begin where you are. Some like Tony Robbins and others like Joe Dispensa. Many roads one destination. We know the work.

One on One, slowly please…

What We Offer is Finding Your Truth

Who Am I?
this is the question of self discovery
Are You Ready to Find Out?
Join the group of seekers of peace
The Body Mind
All is mind