Let Go Now-

Start by



then ask and answer:

Could you let go?

Would you let Go? 

When would you let go?

Drop it here, just relax and allow it to fall away, it’s just a feeling

Use the following questions for relief and reflection to the mind

The Golden Questions

Can You Let Go?

Can you stop wanting to know what to do?

Can you stop wanting to know the answers?
Can you stop wanting to figure the problem out?

Can you stop thinking about the problem?

You Must Let Go…

Could you let go?

Would you let Go? 

When would you let go?

Stop Wanting

Acceptance, Control, Security


Can you stop disapproving of your self?

Can you give yourself some approval now?

Can you love yourself? Maybe just a little? 

Let Go The Sedona Method | Letting Go Questions

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